前往 CT perfusion in ischemic stroke | Radiology Reference Article
發布時間: 2020-09-01推薦指數: 10人已投票
CTA & CT perfusion 的檢查. 利用電腦斷層,可以進行動脈血管和腦部血液灌流的檢查,然而這兩種檢查都需要高流速的顯影劑注射,需要在檢查之前建立可靠的 ... CTA & CT...
The addition of cross-sectional CT angiography and perfusion imaging can further improve detectio...
CT perfusion images can be rapidly obtained on all modern CT scanners and easily incorporated int...
CT perfusion in ischemic stroke has become established in most centers with stroke services as an...
CT perfusion is fast, painless, noninvasive and accurate. It's a useful technique for measuring b...
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