前往 中華郵政全球資訊網-郵政Vis
發布時間: 2020-07-19推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1VISA | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Visa Application Procedures. Short-Term Stay. (A stay of up to 90 days for tourism, business, vis...
- 2中華郵政全球資訊網-郵政Visa金融卡
刷郵政VISA金融卡消費,當日累計滿NT$1,000元,送「白人洗手露(300ml)」1瓶,限量50... 查詢詳情 郵政HCE手機VISA卡 ... 持郵政VI...
- 3Visa無限卡‧Visa御璽卡尊享禮遇
Visa Apple Rewards Store 最高折抵1,000元. 持Visa無限卡、商務御璽卡、御璽卡於6個月內至少新增一筆海外交易(不限金額),即可獲得Apple全系列商品抵用金 .....
- 4Online visa application form
General Visa Application. Taiwan to bar foreign nationals from entering the country starti...
- 5US Visa Information - Visas | American Institute in Taiwan
Travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study ...
- 6Start-up visa - GOV.UK
Apply for a Start-up visa if you've been endorsed for a business idea: eligibility, documents, sw...