前往 【日本WWOOF】走入農場打工換宿體驗耕種樂趣不比吃喝玩樂少

發布時間: 2020-06-25
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往【日本WWOOF】走入農場打工換宿體驗耕種樂趣不比吃喝玩樂少 ...




有朋友去過山梨縣wwoof嗎?可以分享一下嗎? 女生一個人自己去.在英文日文很差的情況之下要注意些甚麼? ps:我今天問了host~ I have some question?Should I ride by myself when I got there on 15th. Does any wwoof like me will be there,too. Do we have Internet when we out off the work time.Is for free or should pay? Thanks very much. 結果...:-S host回復 Please have someone call us for you in english or Japanese. By agreeement we would offer you 3 meals a day for 6 hours work, and a decent place to shower and sleep.After that whatever you do and whatever your needs are when you are off work should be considered personal of yours. Please avoid irrelevant questions as they may easily discret your potential. 請問各位朋友....host是不是不開心呀:\'(