前往 草津溫泉酒店村莊(傳統日式旅館)(日本)優惠 - Booking
發布時間: 2021-02-17推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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- 1Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village - WAmazing
Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village草津溫泉飯店村. 8.9. 查看所有照片 (28). 從新宿站即可搭乘直達巴士前往飯店! 還設有住宿旅客專用的滑雪場、戲雪區! 可享受使用 ...
- 2草津溫泉酒店村莊最新優惠・房客評價- 草津町住宿推薦| Trip.com
草津溫泉酒店村莊(Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village). 溫泉舒適. 自助餐棒. 4.5/5. 很好. 34條評論. 日本,群馬縣,草津町,618 Kusatsu, Agat...
- 3草津溫泉酒店村莊(傳統日式旅館)(日本)優惠 - Booking.com
Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village 設有室內/室外溫泉浴,4 個游泳池和三溫暖,於館內客人可享受多樣的活動。大廳提供免費WiFi 連接,客人盡情 ... 請查看旅遊限制。...
Kusatsu is one of the most popular Onsen in Japan that is surrounded by nature. Hotel Village is ...
- 5Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village | Visit Gunma
A hotel in Kusatsu with extensive facilities, including onsen, swimming pools, a tennis court, a ...
- 6草津草津溫泉飯店村(Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village)線上訂房 ...
草津溫泉飯店村(Kusatsu Onsen Hotel Village). 618, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun Gumma ken, 草津, 草津, 日本, 377-...