前往 5 Things I Did To Survive My "In-Between Jobs" P
發布時間: 2020-09-16推薦指數: 10人已投票
A clever and discreet way of saying your unemployed.you've had a job,not currently working,but wi...
With resume gaps now the norm, workers should pay attention to how they use spent time between ...
你應該說, "I am between jobs." 我正好在兩個工作間的空檔. 聽起來比較委婉這可是之前剛被裁了員的好友Joseph 教我的, 他就因為很會講這句"I am ... 資料來源...
By Shazzana Hamid If being unemployed at the age of 26 wasn’t enough of a nightmare, b...
Job candidate: I'm between jobs right now. When Jill was between projects, she took a computer cl...
The phrase between jobs is a euphemism to describe when someone is unemployed. ... they are worki...
是這樣的 不曉得能否發文在這邊*-* 希望沒有違規~ 因為我想要買一個物品 只...
室友將回台 有興趣的朋友請和我們聯絡 工作有成田機場賣店店員 成田區某大飯店內賣店店員 ...
#日本打工度假 #熱門職缺 #北海道 北海道【飯店旅館的工作】 【時薪850~900日圓】...
**千葉縣職缺!!** 飯店為靠海,夏天的好去處! 現在出發還有可以欣賞日本的夏季...
<關東地區徵人> 日本知名汽車公司 摩托車技術研修的現場口譯工作 【語言】日語⇔...