前往 《英語常用單字:服飾篇》與服裝/服飾/設計相關的英文單字

發布時間: 2020-06-26
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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喔~是這樣喔~^_^ (其實就文法是沒錯,只是沒聽過的話會覺得不習慣XD) 可能不同國家或地區習慣用語都不一樣吧?? 因為我沒去過美國,去的是紐西蘭:) 一樣是英語系,也是有差吧~ 祝你順利啦~

Are you finding everything ok? Do you want me to leave them in the fitting room for you? 這兩句剛好是聽我同事講的耶.她們都是美國人.. 我是在這裡讀書.只是沒有這種工作經驗.所以不太曉得用語有沒有錯誤.

其實你可以請教當地的店員會更好喔~ 可以學到比較口語化的說法。(或是比較親切的招呼) 這邊都是華人啊~ 所以英文再怎麼好也比不上當地的店員吧^_^ 雖然之前外國老師教我們很多啦, 我想全打出來也太多了@_@ 也不一定更好。 不過說起來的話,這兩句怪怪的@_@ Are you finding everything ok? Do you want me to leave them in the fitting room for you? 應該不太會這樣講耶~我沒聽過外國店員講這個...


最近開始在美國服飾店工作. 有些對話講起來和聽起來都感覺很不順 也不知道自己說的對不對. 想請教一下下列哪些有錯,或者有其他說法的? 常用的招呼語: Hi/Hello, How are you today? Are you finding everything ok? Is there anything I can help you today? 如果客人想試穿時: Would you like to try them on? Do you want me to leave them in the fitting room for you? 如果是穿不合時: How does it/do them work out for you? Would you like to try another size? Anything else you are looking for today? Anything else I can help you today? 顧客決定要結帳時: Are these/Is it all you need today? 結帳完畢: Thank you. Have a great day. 謝謝~