關於「pyTranscriber Mac Catalina」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
pyTranscriber 影片自動上字幕免費軟體!10分鐘搞定1小時影片pyTranscriber 」修改自另一個知名的自動產生字幕程式Autosub ,不過 ... 首先來到「 pyTranscriber 」最新版軟體的下載頁面,它提供了Windows、 Mac、 Linux 等不同 ... 接著在視窗下方的[ Audio Language ],選擇這部影片的主要語言, 例如zh-TW 繁體中文。
... 在官方網頁上面的回答是:當前與macOS Catalina不兼容。
Releases · raryelcostasouza/pyTranscriber · GitHubCurrently incompatible with macOS Catalina. Works normally on macOS Mojave and previous. In meanwhile, you could alternatively setup a VirtualBox Ubuntu ...pyTranscriber 免費影片語音轉字幕工具處理速度超快、支援大多數 ...2020年1月21日 · 而最近發現到的這套pyTranscriber 影片語音轉字幕工具,不僅完全免費, ... 處理速度超快、支援大多數語言、精準度也不錯(Windows/Mac/Linux) ... 第二步為打開右下角的轉換語言選單,滑到最下方可找到繁體中文(zh-Tw ...macOS Catalina is available today - Apple2019年10月7日 · macOS Catalina, the latest version of the world's most advanced ... to see their favorite iPad apps in Mac versions, including Twitter, TripIt, ...超實用!快速產生影片字幕檔|免費AI語音識別軟體pytranscriber ...2020年5月3日 · 超實用!快速產生影片字幕檔|免費AI語音識別軟體pytranscriber Mac版增加字幕製作效 ...時間長度: 3:19
發布時間: 2020年5月3日macOS Catalina: macOS 10.15 release date, news and features ...2020年9月21日 · Officially known as macOS Catalina, Apple's macOS 10.15 is coming soon. Here's everything we know about macOS Catalina so far. ... with even the likes of Twitter using the tool to more effortlessly bring its native app back to ...Apple Confirms Serious MacBook Pro Problems For Media ... - Forbes2019年10月8日 · Apple has confirmed that there are some major issues with macOS Catalina, and is suggesting that affected consumers should refrain from ...Review: macOS Catalina 10.15 is what Apple promised the Mac ...2019年10月7日 · Apple's latest macOS 10.15 Catalina breathes a fresh new vitality into ... for Mac users who would otherwise just get a web app (think of Twitter), ...