
發布時間: 2020-08-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票


分配许可证 - IBM Knowledge Center要将许可证容量分配给位置、计算机资产、分区资产、应用程序用户或总分类帐(GL ) 科目,请完成下列过程。

您可以在“许可证”、“工单跟踪”以及“活动和任务”应用 ...Material requisitions for a storeroom - IBM Knowledge CenterDisplayed fields. GL Debit Account (GLDEBITACCT) Defaults to GL Control Account field (not displayed) for storeroom location in the Inventory application.Operating location GL account - IBM Knowledge CenterThe operating location GL account is the default debit account for work orders, purchase orders, and other types of accounts against the location. You can only ...Inventory-related accounts - IBM Knowledge CenterThe inventory GL account holds the resource code associated with the commodity group that you set up in the Chart of Accounts application. The account is ...General ledger field attribute - IBM Knowledge CenterThe glorder attribute is set in the GLCOMP elements in fields that identify general ledger (GL) accounts, such as a GLDEBITACCT field. Each GLCOMP element ...Reconcile Balances action - IBM Knowledge CenterFrom a GL account perspective, the Reconcile Balances action is like the Adjust Current Balances action. In the Reconcile Balances window, both the Control ...意見 - IBM Knowledge CenterThe account in the Cost Adjustment GL Account field is used as the credit account. The INVCOST table is the primary source of the default code for the inventory ...Financial processes in the Purchase Orders application - IBM... Orders from External Vendor action that is selected from the PO Lines tab in the Purchase Orders application, causes GL account transactions to be written.Account components - IBM Knowledge CenterEach GL account code consists of several components (segments) that are separated by delimiters, such as 6100-400-SAF. You can define the number, length, ...Financial processes in the Purchase Requisitions application - IBM... material and service requisition actions from the PR Lines tab in the Purchase Requisitions application, that cause GL account transactions to be written.
