前往 issey miya

發布時間: 2021-01-15
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關於「issey miyake衣服」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

三宅一生 - ISSEY MIYAKE INC.... MIYAKE创意源自于“一块布成衣”的制衣理念。

由设计师近藤悟史(Satoshi Kondo)接掌的ISSEY MIYAKE,以豊富的发想探索现代女性身体与衣服之间的关系。

圖片全部顯示PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE | 品牌| ISSEY MIYAKE INC.PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE系列皆为注重美观、实用穿着性以及生产工艺流程的服装:轻盈防皱,无需干洗,可以随意折叠收纳,便于储存和携带。

me ISSEY MIYAKE | 品牌| ISSEY MIYAKE INC.me ISSEY MIYAKE于2000年正式推出,基于“轻便而小巧、舒适、简洁造型、易于打理和为生活带来舒适感的服装”的制衣设计理念。

品牌旨在为穿着者带来穿着 ...BRANDS | ISSEY MIYAKE INC. - ISSEY MIYAKEISSEY MIYAKE is founded on the concept “A Piece of Cloth”. Designed by Satoshi Kondo, the brand explores the relationship between the body and the clothes ...PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE | BRANDS | ISSEY MIYAKE INC.First launched in the ISSEY MIYAKE line in 1988, this pleats line grew until it finally became a brand of its own with the launch of the SPRING SUMMER 1994  ...BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE | BRANDS | ISSEY MIYAKE INC.The line was launched under PLEATS PLEASE ISSEY MIYAKE in 2000 before becoming its own brand from the AUTUMN WINTER 2010 collection. The brand ...ISSEY MIYAKE / MILAN | ISSEY MIYAKE INC.The first ISSEY MIYAKE flagship store in Italy. Carrying multiple brands, the store is located on Via Bagutta next to Via Montenapoleone in Milan. Inside a historic ...ISSEY MIYAKE 三宅一生Sales Specialist - 台中區|君梵有限公司 ...2020年12月8日 · 【工作內容】台中市西區- 秉持『衣服穿在外面,但須用心體會』的心情與堅持, 創造『優質的服務,專業的服務人員』,並將原創設計精神…Reisen:選物商店- 日本ISSEY MIYAKE 三宅一生🤗 男款經典皺褶 ...日本ISSEY MIYAKE 三宅一生🤗 男款經典皺褶黑色立領薄外套 強大的剪裁和布料 ... 材質也相當有彈性,故只能大略量測約一般日版衣服L的版型店長174/67平常穿日 ... https://goo.gl/T4X1EG ... https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/Y1856930397.
