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發布時間: 2020-07-31
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Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation Metro ServiceRd., 104216, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Best viewed with 1024*768 resolution. Copyright © Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation.桃園捷運乘車指南台北車站 - Taoyuan MetroShare to Facebook(另開新視窗) Share to Twitter(另開新視窗) Share to plurk(另開新視窗) Share to line(另開新視窗). 防疫專區. 防疫專區. 最新公告. 最新消息 · 活動 ...SMRT Corporation LtdSMRT Corporation Ltd is the leading multi-modal public transport operator in Singapore. We serve millions of passengers daily by offering a comprehensive ...Taipei Metro - WikipediaTaipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), branded as Taipei Metro, is a metro system serving Taipei and New Taipei, Taiwan, operated by government owned Taipei ...Kaohsiung Rapid Transit - WikipediaThe Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System is a rapid transit and light rail system covering the metropolitan area of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The metro system is commonly known as Kaohsiung MRT for "mass rapid ...i搭桃捷- Taoyuan Airport MRT - Aplicacións en Google Play評分 2.8 (146) · 免費 · Android「i搭桃捷」APP正式上線,最新消息、票價時刻、路網車站、列車動態、路線規劃及旅客服務等,各種需求一應具全,讓你一手掌握桃捷資訊。

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