
發布時間: 2010-11-08
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

在網站上看到的工作機會,不過要求要英文語言能力,轉貼分享給大家看看。 正式社員薪水還蠻高的,也有機會可以留在日本發展(換工作簽證)。 Job contents: 1. Help sign contract, charge rent, and consult with customers of guesthouse. 2. Advertising on Internet. 3. Check- in /out procedures. 4. Renew Facebook, Twitter and Blog. 5. Cleaning rooms when customer check-out. Requires: 1. Above 25 years old 2. Sometimes need to work on weekend. 2. TOEIC 850 point (recommend) 4. Trilingual and basic Japanese conversation required. 5. Life experiences overseas Payment & Welfare 1. Part time: JPY 800~1200 per hour. (Depends ability and experience) 2. Full time: JPY 200000~ 300000 (Depends ability and experience) 3. Working Visa for staying in Japan is possible. 4 Working Hours: 10am ~17pm / 13 pm~ 19 pm (Monday to Friday) 5. Holiday: Saturday, Sunday and Japanese holidays. If you are interested in our company, please contact us by email: [email protected] Thanks.

在網站上看到的工作機會,不過要求要英文語言能力,轉貼分享給大家看看。 正式社員薪水還蠻高的,也有機會可以留在日本發展(換工作簽證)。 Job contents: 1. Help sign contract, charge rent, and consult with customers of guesthouse. 2. Advertising on Internet. 3. Check- in /out procedures. 4. Renew Facebook, Twitter and Blog. 5. Cleaning rooms when customer check-out. Requires: 1. Above 25 years old 2. Sometimes need to work on weekend. 2. TOEIC 850 point (recommend) 4. Trilingual and basic Japanese conversation required. 5. Life experiences overseas Payment & Welfare 1. Part time: JPY 800~1200 per hour. (Depends ability and experience) 2. Full time: JPY 200000~ 300000 (Depends ability and experience) 3. Working Visa for staying in Japan is possible. 4 Working Hours: 10am ~17pm / 13 pm~ 19 pm (Monday to Friday) 5. Holiday: Saturday, Sunday and Japanese holidays. If you are interested in our company, please contact us by email: [email protected] Thanks. 這個email好熟悉...email的主人是台灣人...:-O

好想去... 要TOEIC 850 point 那等於是英日雙語翻譯啦....... 我是可以啦.. 但是 我TOEIC 明年才要考......


多益後面寫的是Recommend喔,只是建議,並沒有強制要求證書喔! 不知道有沒有辦法請你提供網站呢?

http://classifieds.gaijinpot.com/index/index/category/business 不好意思 我記得是在這網站看到的 但是今天進去找沒看到 有意願可以寄mail試看看喔!
