Would you like to work exchange in Tokyo?

發布時間: 2015-05-13
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

***2016年暫時不缺人了~謝謝大家!** [東京打工換宿] 3Q House徵求打工換宿人員!! 為了確保3Q House住宿上乾淨.整齊的品質要求,我們在尋找負責任,並且細心有熱忱的小幫手! 您需要會說英文,同時希望您會說以下的任何一種語言:日文.中文或韓文。 ***履歷請注意以下幾點*** 1.請寄英語郵件,因為經理看不懂中文 2.請直接寫好Nationality, Gender, Age, Visa Type, Work Experience and Duration of Stay. 3.最好不要3個月前就和我們聯繫,除非機票已經定好,肯定會來的情況下。 我們提供了3項工作項目開放應徵: 1. 櫃台人員 (一星期三天,工時彈性): 需要停留2個月或更久,我們提供4or 6人房的免費住宿。 2. 清潔人員 (一星期5天,一天3小時):需要停留1個月或更久,我們提供4or 6人房的免費住宿。 3. 技術人員(網頁設計,架設,經營...等等):需要停留1個月或更長,由案子來決定的彈性工時與天數,我們提供住宿上的優惠價格。 關於工作內容,您可參考以下網址 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_gNErKrm9MWcnVJUnVuWXdDaDA/view?usp=sharing 如果您有興趣成為我們的一員,請提供以下項目:國籍.性別.年齡.簽證種類.工作經驗和預計停留日期, 並郵寄到我們的信箱: [email protected]. 謝謝! ****************************************************** Hi,:-D To work as a volunteer it requires diligence, responsibility and attention to details. Your help is needed to keep the building premises clean and maintain the highest standards for our guests. The main areas we need your help as a volunteer are guest reception and front desk administration, cleaning and maintenance but also various tasks on a project basis as web design and online marketing. At times the management may ask that you help purchasing supplies, receiving mail and other diverse tasks.8-| Here are the 3 main types of jobs: 1. Managing and administration (3 days per week, flexible hours). It requires a 2 months stay or longer. Accommodation is included in a 4 or 6 beds dorm room. There may be an additional bonus such as a train ticket for a trip and food on certain working days.(Y) 2. Cleaning (5 days per week, 3 hours per day). It requires 1 month stay or longer. Accommodation is included in a 4 or 6 beds dorm room. Food is not included except on certain busy work days.:-) 3. Technical job (web design, remodeling, marketing, etc). It features flexible days and hours, based on projects. It requires 1 month stay or longer. Accommodation is to be discussed based on project. Food is not included. Depending on the work load and the size of the projects completed we may offer a trip.:-) We strive to provide high quality services to our guests. Therefore volunteers that are not willing or not able to complete certain tasks may be asked to stop working with us. It is a must that you should speak English,besides it is also a must our volunteers speak one of the following languages:Japanese, Chinese or Korean. To check out the work contents, you can view the link below, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_gNErKrm9MWcnVJUnVuWXdDaDA/view?usp=sharing Should you be interested in working with us please reply with the following details: Nationality, Gender, Age, Visa Type, Work Experience and Duration of Stay. Please reply to our email: [email protected]. (I)(I)(I)The position available from : September, 2015

9月開放的打工換宿~~大家快來報名!!(F)(F)(F) 您好 有發mail詢問 再煩請回覆 謝謝您

2015.6.11 更新

歡迎應徵9月開放的3Q House打工換宿!<:o)

想住在東京,又害怕昂貴的住宿費嗎? 快來應徵9月開放的3Q House打工換宿! 讓你省下住宿費,遊覽更多的地方~~






2015.7.16 更新

歡迎加入3Q House大家庭!

2015.7.27 更新

2015.8.5 更新


你好 請問履歷寄中文的部分可以嗎? 還是一定要日文或英文。謝謝


只要您會以下中文/英文/韓文/日文任一種語言,歡迎您來加入9月開放的打工換宿喔! 我問了結果說一定會講流利英文 這是什麼情況???

2015.8.23 更新

2015.8.26 更新




我問了結果說一定會講流利英文 這是什麼情況??? 您好~不好意思!後來我們開會決定的,有更新在文章裡了!抱歉!

你好 請問履歷寄中文的部分可以嗎? 還是一定要日文或英文。謝謝 您好~履歷請寄英文喔~謝謝~



2015.9.23 更新

2015.9.27 更新

2015.10.1 更新

2015.10.4 更新

2015.10.11 更新

