日本wwoof 報名的問題

發布時間: 2010-12-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

大家好 我是個愛好旅遊的新人小露:-) 我預計想在明年3月或4月去日本當wwoofer 請各位有經驗的大大可以幫助我 也歡迎有興趣的大大揪我一起去唷^^(X)(X) 我有一些報名的問題.. 報名是不是直接去台灣辦事處辦理比較方便呢? 不過辦事處在北部 對我們在南部的人真的不是很方便> < 是否能夠傳真報名表之類的方式來代辦呢? 雖然這樣問了,我還是迫不期待的在網路上先申請了 經過一番功夫後,終於填完送出,上面寫要去信箱收mail才會接下個步驟,那是會馬上就寄來嗎?? 沒有收到的話怎麼辦呢?:\'( 還有就是去日本wwoff是不是就不能額外去兼差其他工作了呢?


還有就是去日本wwoff是不是就不能額外去兼差其他工作了呢? 如果你只是能觀光簽證去是不能從事任何額外的兼差工作唷! 但如果你是聲請到打工度假簽證去的就沒問題!!^^ PS.我是沒透過台灣辦事處聲請過,因為實在太貴了~ 直接到日本網站聲請+刷卡才5500日幣唷!

所以只要申請打工簽證就可以在額外打工囉!!! 還有因為我沒有信用卡,可能要用轉帳的 可是我不清楚該怎麼弄> <

所以只要申請打工簽證就可以在額外打工囉!!! 還有因為我沒有信用卡,可能要用轉帳的 可是我不清楚該怎麼弄> < 官網有寫... http://www.wwoofjapan.com/main/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=32&lang=en Use any one of the following methods to pay (see details below) PayPal Bank transfer Post Office Transfer/YUBIN FURIKAE (only in Japan) GENKIN KAKITOME (only in Japan) Send cash through the post Bank transfer (From inside Japan ONLY) 2) Bank Transfer IF YOU PAY THIS WAY, COST OF MEMBERSHIP IS $73 AUSTRALIAN. If you want to pay by bank transfer from anywhere in the world, then this is the bank account to send your payment to. Be sure to have the bank you use to send your payment inform you of the fees charged by your bank, our bank, and banks in between, so that the full $73 Australian arrives net into our bank account. If you are paying via internet banking, then you should not have fees deducted from your payment. But, if you are sending payment by funds transfer from your bank to our bank, then fees are usually charged by your bank, banks in between, and our bank. Be sure to tell your bank that the full $73 Australian must arrive in our bank account. If your bank does not know, then we can say from experience that the fees most often charged by banks total $21, so if you are not sure, then send an extra $21 to pay for bank fees; $73 plus $21 equals $94 Australian. If you want to avoid bank fees, then you can pay by PayPal via our website. Bank name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Swift Code: CTBAAU2S Address: 71-73 Anderson Avenue, Panania, 2213, NSW, Australia BSB Number: 062222 Account Number: 10152567 Name in which the account is held: WWOOF JAPAN

樓上的有誰能回答我的問題 我已經申請好會員了 不過我每登入一次 他都會要求我再同意一次他的規約 然後都再寄到我 的信箱 這樣是正常現象嗎? 還是當初申請時哪裡填的不完整所致? 已經投了一家host不過都沒回應 是不是有問題ㄚ? 請幫助我謝謝!!

樓上的有誰能回答我的問題 我已經申請好會員了 不過我每登入一次 他都會要求我再同意一次他的規約 然後都再寄到我 的信箱 這樣是正常現象嗎? 還是當初申請時哪裡填的不完整所致? 已經投了一家host不過都沒回應 是不是有問題ㄚ? 請幫助我謝謝!! 我也是每次登入都出現規約,應該是正常的, 我前兩天投了一家HOST是沒問題的,已經成功應徵到了。 不過因為HOST都2~3天才會上線, 所以每封信往來都要等很久,不要太心急唷~^^"
